Please check tracking information with your shipper before contacting NCE. We do not have a package notification or tracking system. NCE is shipping back the completed command station and cab repairs received on 1-22-25
Customers in Australia must purchase NCE products from our registered AU agent MRRC https://mrrc.com.au/
NCE is a US based company and as such we do not have legal right to do business directly with an AU dealer. MRRC and The MRRC Dealer Network listed below is the only legally authorized entity that can sell, distribute, and service our products in AU. Those who purchase our products outside this Agent do so at their own risk and are required to disclose this fact to the end user. MRRC Shop is the sole Factory Authorized Australian Distributor of NCE products. Products must be purchased via this distribution network in order to obtain warranty service in AU.
MRRC Shop http://mrrc.com.au/
Gary Spencer-Salt
Tele : +61-2-9831-8217
Shop 2 - Level 1
64-70 Main Street
Blacktown, 2148
The MRRC is the authorized distributor for NCE in Australia and is also an authorised repair centre for NCE in Australia/New Zealand and as such we warrant / repair NCE products in Australia when supplied by our authorised NCE dealers.
From time to time your NCE system will need repair and the MRRC can handle those requests. Where possible we will replace a damaged component but if that is not possible we can install new boards. At no time will boards be sent to any owner for self installation and all NCE hardware must be returned for repair.
A detailed list of those dealers can be found on NCE web site - click here
All unauthorized dealers in Australia/NZ are required by NCE to inform you before purchase that there is no Australian warranty / repairs available in Australia. Under Australian consumer law the reseller is responsible for the warranty of any goods supplied and application of a manufacturers warranty is against the law. If you have purchased a system from a unauthorized dealer we recommend that you approach them to obtain warranty.
When we are requested to repair a system not supplied by an authorised Au/NZ NCE dealer, significant surcharges apply plus parts, we reserve the right to refuse service for items not purchased in Australia from an authorised dealer.
Note: Surcharges do not apply to systems purchased directly via the NCEDCC website - proof of purchase to our satisfaction will be required.
All parts repairs carry a 90 day warranty while a board replacement carry a 1 year Warranty and ongoing Au service regardless origin.
Typical Surcharges [parts/labour extra]
NCE ProCab / Cab 04 - 06 - $45
NCE ProCab R / Cab 04 - 05 - $65
NCE PowerCab - $80
NCE SB5 - $90 plus an EB1 at current list price that must be installed with the repaired booster to maintain warranty.
NCE Pro 5A - $140 / $45 for other boards replaced at that time.
No Fault Warranty N / HO decoders $20 - proof of purchase is required to effect this warranty and is only for decoders sold by authorized Au/NZ dealers